Lyric : Yoona (SNSD) - Amazing Grace (OST. The K2)

10:17:00 AM

Welcome to all music lovers, may your days in line with the rhythm of peace and happiness.
For those who love this song, feel free to grasp the lyric directly
and sing along with your heart. Enjoy It !!!

Lyric : Yoona (SNSD) - Amazing Grace (OST. The K2)
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Lyric : Yoona (SNSD) - Amazing Grace
(OST. The K2)

Amazing grace
How sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me

I once was lost
But now i'm found
Was blind but now i see

'Twas grace that taught
My heart to fear
And grace my fear relieved

How precious did
That grace appear
The hour I first believed


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